Anne’s Story – A Medically Negligent and Unnecessary Hysterectomy.

This is a client story where no real names are used in order to protect the identity and confidentiality of the client.
Anne is a 45-year-old woman whose womb was unnecessarily removed by her consultant obstetrician. While pregnant at the age of 32, Anne had a scan which showed there was no foetal heart beat, and she underwent a Caesarean section. After the operation, she was told her life had been in danger, and the doctor had removed her womb. He’d told her she had lost a lot of blood, and the hysterectomy was required. At the time, she did not suspect anything, as she had complete trust in her consultant obstetrician. But, later, that doctor was found guilty of professional misconduct and struck off the medical register by the Medical Council. He had unnecessarily removed the wombs of a number of his women patients. Anne obtained her medical records which contradicted what the consultant obstetrician had told her. Her vital signs had been normal all the time and there was no loss of blood. In addition, a review of her pathology report had showed that her womb was perfectly normal. The consequences of the unnecessary removal of her womb have been tragic for Anne. Not alone could she not have more children, as hoped for, but she’s been on hormone replacement therapy since her early 30s. Anne’s life has been turned upside-down by serious medical negligence and malpractice.
Are you a victim of Medical Negligence or Malpractice?
If you have experienced medical negligence or malpractice, misdiagnoses or failure to diagnose correctly please phone our client care executive on 01 8744 422 or email us at or or fill in our enquiry form and a client care executive will be in contact with you. Our client care executives are experienced in assisting with medical negligence claims and will arrange an appointment with a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence and will contact you to advise you of your legal rights and entitlements.
This client story is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.