Safety always comes first when you are thinking about buying a product for you or your child. A consumer product that is commercially produced and distributed will be considered to be defective if it does not meet the legitimate expectations of the person buying it. There are many types of defective consumer products.

  • Household appliances and electrical goods.
  • Children’s clothing and dangerous toys.
  • Sports and recreational equipment.
  • Outdoor furniture and gardening equipment.

The National Consumer Agency is responsible for market surveillance in respect of the safety of a wide range of non-food consumer products. They enforce product safety legislation, investigate complaints, alert consumers about unsafe products and give advice to manufacturers, distributors, retailers and their representative organisations. If you feel you or a loved one has received an injury owing to a defective product here are the issues to be considered –

  • Was the product fit for its intended use.
  • Was it dangerous or harmful for normal use.
  • Were you hurt because of the product defect.
  • Does it carry adequate instructions.

On considering the above issues if you feel you have a defective product claim please phone us at 01 87 444 22 or fill in our enquiry form and a client care executive will be in contact with you. Our client care executives’ are non-lawyers with a considerable track record of helping people through the many difficult issues that arise during the processing of a claim.